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  • 收录类型=EI x
  • 人物=王晚晴 x

6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6

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Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of poly(ricinolEIc acid) star polymers被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Liu, Wenhui Cheng, Yanling Hua, Wei Wang, Wanqing
机构: Biochemical Engineering College; Beijing Key Laboratory of Biomass Waste Resource Utilization
来源:International Agricultural Engineering Journal  2016
关键词:Alcohols - Candida - Lipases - Molecular wEIght - Polyesters - Silica - Silica gel - Yeast  
Utilization of three types of effluent waters from a brewery in microalgae cultivation for algae-based lutEIn production被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Wang, Wanqing Xu, Yingying Hua, Wei Wu, Shuang Zhang, Ting Liu, Jie Cheng, Yanling
机构: Biochemical Engineering College; Beijing Key Laboratory of Biomass Waste Resource Utilization
来源:International Agricultural Engineering Journal  2020
关键词:Algae - Biomass - Microorganisms - Nutrients - Strain  
Bioremoval and recovery of metal ions by growing microalgae and via microwave assisted pyrolysis被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Cheng, Yanling Wang, Wanqing Hua, Wei Liu, Wenhui Chen, Paul Ruan, Roger
机构: Biochemical Engineering College; Beijing Key Laboratory of Biomass Waste Resource Utilization; Center for Biorefining and Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems
来源:International Agricultural Engineering Journal  2016
关键词:Algae - Aluminum compounds - Charcoal - Copper compounds - Heavy metals - Metal ions - Microorganisms - Pyrolysis - Water pollution - Zinc compounds  
Efficient and environmental friendly extraction and purification of lutEIn from wet microalgae chlorella vulgaris被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Xu, Yingying Wang, Wanqing Liu, Wenhui Tian, Chaoyu Hua, Wei Cheng, Yanling
机构: Biochemical Engineering College; Beijing Key Laboratory of Biomass Waste Resource Utilization
来源:International Agricultural Engineering Journal  2016
关键词:Algae - Ethanol - Hexane - Microorganisms - Optimization - Potassium hydroxide - Purification - Surface properties - Ultrasonic applications  
Enhancement of lutEIn biosynthesis in chlorella vulgaris-1068 under low temperature and luminosity stress conditions被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Wang, Wanqing Chen, Mingyang Liu, Jie Hua, Wei Wu, Shuang Diao, Mengjie Cheng, Yanling
机构: Biochemical Engineering College; Beijing Key Laboratory of Biomass Waste Resource Utilization
来源:International Agricultural Engineering Journal  2017
关键词:Algae - Biochemistry - Biosynthesis - Gene expression - Growth rate - Light - Luminance - Microorganisms - Photons - Pigments  
Potato peel as a nutrient source in human diet被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Hua, Wei Zhang, Ting Wu, Shuang Wang, Wanqing Ruan, Roger Cheng, Yanling
机构: Beijing Key Laboratory of Biomass Waste Resource Utilization; Center for Biorefining
来源:International Agricultural Engineering Journal  2020
关键词:Additives - Food processing  
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