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Potato peel as a nutrient source in human diet  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Potato peel as a nutrient source in human diet

作者:Hua, Wei[1]; Zhang, Ting[1]; Wu, Shuang[1]; Wang, Wanqing[1]; Ruan, Roger[1,2]; Cheng, Yanling[1,2]


通讯作者:Cheng, Yanling

机构:[1] Beijing Key Laboratory of Biomass Waste Resource Utilization, Beijing Union University, Beijing, 100023, China; [2] Center for Biorefining, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, 1390 Eckles Ave., Saint Paul, MN, 55108, United States






外文期刊名:International Agricultural Engineering Journal


基金:This program was supported by Premium Funding Project for Academic Human Resources Development in Beijing Union University, Beijing Union University (Grant No. BPHR2017CZ02, KYDE40201704) Ministry of Science and Technology, China ?863 Plan? (Grant No. 2015AA020202); General Project of Science and Technology Program of Beijing Education Committee (Grant No. 22139916080101-010), Beijing Key Laboratory of Biomass Waste Resource Utilization funding 2018.


外文关键词:Additives - Food processing

摘要:Potato peel is a by-product of potato food processing industries and can range from 15% to 40% of the initial product mass depending on the peeling methods. It is usually considered as a waste to be discarded. However, recent studies indicate that potato peel is potentially a valuable source of human dietary nutrients and could be converted into value-added products. The present review aims to summarize the characteristics of potato peel waste, including physicochemical composition, bioactivities and application possibilities in the food production industry. The main results show that potato peel waste can serve as a source for dietary fibers, antioxidants, and antibacterial food additives. These products will increase the value of potato peel waste and reduce extensive waste generation. ? 2020, Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering. All rights reserved.



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