- 应用型人才培养模式下运用新媒体技术提升高校博物馆的核心价值——以北京联合大学手工艺博物馆为例被引量:3收藏
- 作者:齐宇清
- 机构:北京联合大学艺术学院
- 来源:《北京联合大学学报》 2020
- 关键词:新媒体技术 高校博物馆 核心价值 应用型人才 实践教学
- 摘要:随着计算机网络技术的迅速普及,虚拟现实、三维图形和人机交互等新媒体技术已广泛应用于高校博物馆展览展示领域。高校博物馆的功能是教育、研究与传承,新媒体技术的应用为受众创造了多维度多层次的沉浸式体验,促进了高校博物馆功能和价...
- Pilot study of applying creative computing for the activation of intangible cultural heritage被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Shi, Meiyu Zhang, Lu Yang, Hongji Zhang, Gongpeng Qi, Yuqing
- 机构: Beijing Union University; Collaborative Innovation Centre of eTourism; Department of Informatics; College of Arts
- 来源:International Journal of Performability Engineering 2019
- 关键词:Product design - Tourism
- A combinatorial method based on machine learning algorithms for enhancing cultural economic value被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Qi, Yuqing Ren, Wei Shi, Meiyu Liu, Qinyun
- 机构: College of Arts; UNESCO World Heritage Institute of Training and Research-Asia and Pacific ; Center for Faculty Development; Centre for Creative Computing
- 来源:International Journal of Performability Engineering 2020
- 关键词:Backpropagation - Computation theory - Tourism
- A performance analysis platform for performance evaluation of smart production lines被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Li, Chen Schou, Casper Qi, Yuqing
- 机构: Department of Materials and Production; College of Arts
- 来源:International Journal of Performability Engineering 2020
- 关键词:Network layers - Pattern recognition - Throughput