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Review of Soundscape Studies in Tourism



英文题名:Review of Soundscape Studies in Tourism










外文期刊名:Tourism Tribune





外文关键词:soundscape; tourism soundscape; sensescape; tourist experience; music tourism;

Sound is one of the fundamental elements that tourists are immersed to"sense"the tourism space(i.e., destinations). Soundscape, which comprises sound, listeners and environment, plays a significant role in forming tourists' experience of and satisfaction toward the destinations. Hence, the sound environment created in the destination significantly contributes to tourists' overall tourism experience. Despite the importance of sound element in tourism destinations, researchers in tourism geography have often emphasized on visual elements and perception of landscapes. Studies on such sound element largely have been neglected and under-researched. This paper aims a research prospect of soundscape in tourism, by reviewing its literature, as well as their differences both in China and Western research contexts.literatures on soundscape in tourism are collected by keywords search of "tourism" and "soundscape" in China Knowledge Resource Integrated Database and Elsevier Database(especially Sciencedirect Database). Based on careful literature reading and classification, the progress that has been made in tourism soundscape study, as well as the differences that exists between China and Western research, is analyzed in detail. The key findings indicate the differences between Western and China's research of tourism soundscape, notably research content, interdisciplinary perspectives, and its integration with tourism research. First, Chinese scholars mainly emphasized on the sound recognition and development, and the review of soundscape in tourist destinations, which differ from Western perspectives, from the assessment of quite soundscape to the impacts and management of the tourist noise, and from soundscape- oriented tourist experience to music tourism. Second, Chinese scholars applied few geographic or tourism approaches to the soundscape, while Western however had integrated with interdisciplinary perspectives, such as cultural anthropology, ethnomusicology, acoustic ecology and tourism geography. Third, Western scholars emphasized on the natural environment and the quality of tourist experience, as the sustainability of natural soundscape, which however the Chinese scholars lacked.This review highlights the value of tourism soundscape in addressing key differences between China and Western. At a theoretical level, this paper advances our understanding of tourism study,which is not limited by one sense, but a combination of landscape and other sensescape study. At a methodological level, this paper allows an innovated research method that combining users' reviews of subjective and the assessment data of soundscape. The value of this innovate approach is to evaluate soundscape and its relationships with visual landscape, urban cultural routes, identity and sense of place. At a practical level, the future research perspectives of soundscape is highlighted, notably the construction of soundscape and its improvement in tourist destinations, soundscape-oriented and multisense tourist experience, the temporal and spatial change of soundscape in local community, and the preservation and commodification of sound heritage and products. Specifically, Soundscape change is one of the key aspects of destination change. How to identify the influencing factors of soundscape change and find effective ways to protect the original soundscape from destruction in destinations(especially in Minority Village destinations), is a crucial issue that hasn't been resolved. Literature review of soundscape study in tourism shows that soundscape and its related theories are suitable for analyzing both temporal and spatial characteristics of soundscape changes and the effects brought by sounds.



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