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The Research and Design for IPSec Protocol based on Embedded Linux OS over IPv6  ( CPCI-S收录 EI收录)  


英文题名:The Research and Design for IPSec Protocol based on Embedded Linux OS over IPv6

作者:Chen, Xiaodan[1];Yue, Qiang[2];Su, Limin[1]


通讯作者:Chen, XD[1]

机构:[1]Beijing Union Univ, Coll Informat, Beijing, Peoples R China;[2]Beijing Jiaotong Univ, Sch Elect & Informat Engn, Beijing, Peoples R China


通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Beijing Union Univ, Coll Informat, Beijing, Peoples R China.|[1141734]北京联合大学智慧城市学院;[11417]北京联合大学;

会议论文集:International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems (ICMEIS 2012)

会议日期:AUG 25-26, 2012

会议地点:Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA


外文关键词:network security; embedded; protocol; IPSec; IPv6

摘要:The paper analyzes the principle and key technique of IPSec protocol, researches the security policy and processing flow of IPSec, presents the design ideal and implementation scheme of IPSec based on embedded Linux Operation System. The realization of IPSec mainly consists of five modules. In addition, every module function is discussed in detail.



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