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Impact of block size on residents' travel appraisal in Beijing



英文题名:Impact of block size on residents' travel appraisal in Beijing










外文期刊名:Progress in Geography





外文关键词:block size; travel appraisal; travel convenience; travel safety; Beijing

Residents' travel convenience and safety are significant concerns for a city's livability and sustainability. Existing transportation research has revealed a strong relationship between urban form characteristics and travel behavior. The rapid urban expansion of many Chinese cities in the past two decades has brought dramatic changes to their urban form and urban fabric. Wide multilane roads, super-long mega street blocks, and increasingly segregated land use are becoming important characteristics of Chinese cities once dominated by narrow allies/streets, tight urban fabric, and mixed-use work compounds, leading to increasing car travel and traffic congestion. Thus, there is a growing interest of scholars in China from geography and planning fields on the impact of urban built environment on travel behavior, especially when block size has become a key focus of urban spatial policymaking. However, little research has investigated urban residents' subjective assessment of their travel environments in China. Using the city of Beijing as a case study, this study took advantage of the latest built environment data and combined them with large scale geo-referenced satisfaction survey data to examine the impact of block size on residents' travel convenience appraisal and travel safety appraisal. Ordered logit models were used to estimate the effect while controlling for socioeconomic factors.Several findings were generated:(1) Block size varies widely across Beijing. Generally speaking, it increases from the old traditional urban center to peripheral newly-built neighborhoods. But even in the central area, there are also some large blocks that consist of gated universities, hospitals, and other work compounds. The average block size of Beijing is much larger than other international cities.(2) Model results suggest that built environment with small block size could increase the number of road crossings and facilitate public transportation station siting, hence promote residents' travel convenience appraisal. Meanwhile, it could also decrease the travel risk caused by broad main roads, thus increase residents' travel safety appraisal.(3) Other built environment indicators such as floor area ratio, location, and quantity of public transport stations also significantly influence residents' travel convenience and safety appraisal.(4) Some socioeconomic attributes have significant effects on travel appraisal as well, which indicates that the needs and spatial distribution of different kinds of residents should be taken into account while implementing transport-related policies. The results from the analysis suggest significant impacts that urban block size can exert on residents' travel convenience and safety, indicating the important role that spatial planning can play to help achieve the "green travel" goal promoted in urban China. Evidence generated from this study provides some theoretical support for the national policy of promoting small blocks.



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