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Using mobile learning way to support learning of the deaf  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Using mobile learning way to support learning of the deaf

作者:Wu Xiao Fen[1]; Xu Jia cheng[2]

第一作者:Wu Xiao Fen

机构:[1] Educ. Technol. Dept., Capital Normal Univ., Beijing, China; [2] Special Educ. Coll., Beijing Union Univ., Beijing, China

第一机构:Educ. Technol. Dept., Capital Normal Univ., Beijing, China

会议日期:22-24 June 2010

会议地点:Shanghai, China


外文关键词:computer aided instruction - mobile computing

摘要:With the rapid development of computer technology, network technology and communication technology, mobile learning has becoming the focus of educational technology currently. Today, the scale of China's special education is expanding, our enrollment of deaf students is increasing, the quality of special education is getting more and more important. In this article the author will firstly introduce the mobile learning, and then combing with the status quo of education for deaf students introduce to use mobile learning way to support selective learning, combination of virtual and real learning, both formal and informal learning, collaborative learning of the deaf.



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