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Fear can be more harmful than the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in controlling the corona virus disease 2019 epidemic    


英文题名:Fear can be more harmful than the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in controlling the corona virus disease 2019 epidemic

作者:Ren S.-Y.[1];Gao R.-D.[1];Chen Y.-L.[2]

通讯作者:Ren, S.-Y.[1]

机构:[1]Vascular Surgery, Department of General Surgery, Aviation, General Hospital, China Medical University, Beijing, 100012, China;[2]College of Robotics, Beijing Union University, Beijing, 100101, China

第一机构:Vascular Surgery, Department of General Surgery, Aviation, General Hospital, China Medical University, Beijing, 100012, China





外文期刊名:World Journal of Clinical Cases



外文关键词:Coronavirus; Coronavirus disease 2019; Discrimination; Fear; Outbreak; Prejudice; Severe acute respiratory syndrome; Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

摘要:The current corona virus disease 2019 outbreak caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 started in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and has put the world on alert. To safeguard Chinese citizens and to strengthen global health security, China has made great efforts to control the epidemic. Many in the global community have joined China to limit the epidemic. However, discrimination and prejudice driven by fear or misinformation have been flowing globally, superseding evidence and jeopardizing the anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 efforts. We analyze this phenomenon and its underlying causes and suggest practical solutions. ? Baishideng Publishing Group Co.



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