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Characteristics of Geoparks in China and Japan: Similarities and Differences  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)  


英文题名:Characteristics of Geoparks in China and Japan: Similarities and Differences

作者:Cai, Yinlu[1];Wu, Fadong[2];Watanabe, Mahito[3];Han, Jinfang[4]

第一作者:Cai, Yinlu

通讯作者:Wu, FD[1]

机构:[1]Beijing Union Univ, Coll Appl Sci & Technol, Beijing, Peoples R China;[2]China Univ Geosci, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Beijing, Peoples R China;[3]Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Geol Survey Japan, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan;[4]China Tourism Acad, Beijing, Peoples R China


通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), China Univ Geosci, Sch Earth Sci & Resources, Beijing, Peoples R China.






基金:The JGN draws most of its income from annual fees from individual parks and runs on membership fees. The network also has supporting members, including individuals and private companies that want to support geoparks. The JGN is also funded by the National Commission (Japan) to participate in some international exchanges and cooperation.


外文关键词:UNESCO Global Geopark; China; Japan; Characteristics

摘要:Both China and Japan have achieved considerable development of geoparks. This paper introduces the current status of geoparks and develops a comparative analysis of the legal system, management structure, and financial support of The United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Global Geoparks (UGGps) in China and Japan. Because of the differences between these two countries, this paper employs an analysis framework and typical cases to study the characteristics of UGGps from the perspective of infrastructure, community, conservation and protection, science popularization, and geotourism based on the abovementioned fundamental aims. Further suggestions are proposed, i.e., China must strengthen community participation, develop all-around geoproducts, and consider the negative impact of tourism, while Japan must obtain more financial support, motivate participation and protection, and develop various activities to promote employment and population growth.



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