尾矿库溃坝灾害防控现状及发展 ( EI收录)
Status and development for the prevention and management of tailings dam failure accidents
英文题名:Status and development for the prevention and management of tailings dam failure accidents
作者:王昆[1,2];杨鹏[1,3];Karen Hudson-Edwards[2];吕文生[1];卜磊[1]
通讯作者:Yang, Peng
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Engineering
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外文关键词:tailings dam failure;safety monitoring;early-warning;emergency preparation plan;safety management
摘要:尾矿库溃坝灾害应急响应时间短、潜在威胁巨大,往往造成惨重人员伤亡与巨额财产损失.近些年尾矿库安全事故发生数量的总体下降趋势充分体现出现代化技术及安全管理方面的进步,然而重大事故发生频次却不减反增,2015年巴西Samarco铁矿与2014年加拿大Mount Polley重大溃坝事故及其惨重后果,再次为尾矿库安全敲响警钟.我国现存尾矿库8869座,含"头顶库"1425座,安全形势复杂.本文在收集大量相关领域文献的基础上,聚焦尾矿库溃坝灾害防控体系中的安全监测、灾害预警与应急准备、安全管理与标准规范这三大方面核心内容,分别综述对比国内外现状及前沿进展,探讨分析我国当前所面临的问题并尝试提出改进建议,为尾矿库防灾减灾理论研究与技术革新提供参考.结果表明:(1)我国尾矿库安全监测标准更高,但仪器耐久性、可靠度与实用性不足,专用监测器件与新技术的研发应用势在必行;(2)灾害预警方法单一且可信度不高,而信息技术融合应用成为发展趋势;(3)应急管理与预警决策需以充分的科学论证为基础,当前研究在试验手段与计算方法上存在局限;(4)我国拥有完善的安全管理标准规范体系,但在安全等别划分、全生命周期管理、主体变更、事故总结等方面相对欠缺.
Tailings dam failure accidents with limited emergency response time and substantial potential threats often lead to heavy casualties and severe financial losses. In recent years,the decreasing trend of tailings dam failure accidents shows the development of modern technology and safety management. However,the frequency of major tailings dam failure accidents has increased,rather than decreased. The 2015 Samarco Accident in Brazil and the 2014 Mount Polley Accident in Canada,along with their disastrous consequences,once again sounded the alarm to improve the safety of tailings ponds. China is now facing a complicated safety situation because there are 8869 tailings ponds throughout the country,including 1425 overhead tailings ponds that represent the tailings ponds located within 1 km upstream of residential areas,workshops,schools,or other important facilities. Based on a large number of relevant research studies,focusing on three main aspects of accident prevention and management that include safety monitoring,early-warning and emergency preparation,safety management codes and standards,the status and frontier progress are reviewed in this paper. Furthermore,the relevant problems in China are discussed,and several improvement recommendations are presented that can provide a reference for theoretical research and technological innovation for preventing tailings pond accidents. The results are as follows:( 1) The safety monitoring standards in China are relatively strict. However,the monitoring instruments lack stability,reliability,and practicability. Thus,specific devices and new technologies need to be developed.( 2) The current early-warning method lacks diversity and reliability,and using information technology in interdisciplinary applications is becoming the developing trend.( 3) The emergency management and decision-making should be based on sufficient scientific proof. However,the relevant research is limited by test methods and simulating algorithms.( 4) Lastly,China has established a complete system of safety management codes and standards,but with the current problems of safety level classification,life-cycle management,change management process,and accident investigation,greater progress is needed.