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Virtual prototype technology based fatigue life analysis of gears  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Virtual prototype technology based fatigue life analysis of gears

作者:Zhang, Jian-Cheng[1]; Lei, Bao-Zhen[1]; Zhang, Qing-Xia[2]

通讯作者:Zhang, J.-C.

机构:[1] School of Mechanical and Electrical, Beijing Union University, Beijing, 100020, China; [2] Beijing Institute of Special Electromechanical Technology, Beijing 100012, China


会议论文集:2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE2010

会议日期:June 26, 2010 - June 28, 2010

会议地点:Wuhan, China


外文关键词:Control theory - Dynamic loads - Gears - Reliability - Reliability analysis - Reliability theory - Structural optimization - Virtual prototyping

摘要:A virtual prototype of a certain caterpillar drive system is established based on virtual prototype technology in the article, the dynamic load spectrums in operation on different work sections of drive system gears are obtained through a simulation riding test. Applying finite element technology on three-dimensional contact stress dynamic analysis, the course of contact stress in flank of tooth area and bending stress in root of tooth area changes following time has been got for drive system. Load spectrum of full-life periodicity for drive system gears is obtained using fatigue reliability theory, fatigue reliability analysis of gears is then employed. Thus fatigue life of drive system gears under various work conditions and different degree of confidence is obtained conveniently too, which can provide a theoretical basic for optimum structure design, maintenance and life prediction of gear system. ?2010 IEEE.



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