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Environmental air quality evaluation method based on the six pollutants in the urban areas of Beijing



英文题名:Environmental air quality evaluation method based on the six pollutants in the urban areas of Beijing










外文期刊名:Journal of Safety and Environment





外文关键词:environmental engineering; pollutant; air quality index; grey clustering

To better understand the pollution situation and the concentration variation features of the air quality in Beijing,the paper aims to introduce our evaluation results of the pollution situation based on the high-resolution continuous data we have gained in spring,2013,from the air quality automatic monitoring station established by the Beijing Municipality Environmental Monitoring Center. According to the said air quality monitoring data of the six urban evaluation sites arranged in six main administrative districts in Beijing during the periods of heating and non-heating,we have formulated an evaluation system including six indexes of air pollution situation based on the pollution emission concentration levels. And,next,we have done the analyses of the mean concentrations of the following six pollutants,including those of O3,CO,SO2,NO2 and particulates PM10,PM2. 5and the diurnal variation of AQI. Our analysis of the air quality index and the gray clustering method we have renovated has been used for the evaluation by using the detailed evaluation procedures. In proceeding with our research,we have also classified the air quality indexes by using the maximum individual indexes of the six pollutants in view of their effects on the human health,which are mainly influenced by the individual pollutants. To make our analysis in a more definite and clear-cut manner,we have adopted an improved gray clustering method based on the whitening function of the exponential types to improve the calculation precision of the fuzzy factors. Thus,it can be seen that the method we have adopted can more fully reflect the comprehensive effects of all the pollutants on the air quality. The evaluation results demonstrate that the air quality index which is applied to the study of the effects of the air pollutants on human health can serve the public as a wellrecognized guidance to the air quality evaluation. The innovated gray clustering method that is used for evaluating the closeness degree of the pollutants aggregation and classification can help to improve the information utilization,whose advantage is to be able to highlight different air pollutants at different quality levels,thus,making our evaluation results more comprehensive. According to the evaluation purposes of the air quality and the practical evaluation demands,it is possible to combine the above said two methods from different perspectives to gain a more reasonable evaluation result. Thus,it can be concluded that the analysis and evaluation of the pollutant contents and their concentrations in the air is of great practical value for eventual heightening of the new ambient air quality standard.



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