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The Complexity of Embedded Frame in Mass Media Text — A Case Study of an Entertainment Commentary    

The Complexity of Embedded Frame in Mass Media Text — A Case Study of an Entertainment Commentary


中文题名:The Complexity of Embedded Frame in Mass Media Text — A Case Study of an Entertainment Commentary

英文题名:The Complexity of Embedded Frame in Mass Media Text — A Case Study of an Entertainment Commentary










外文期刊名:Overseas English



中文关键词:Frame;Embedded Frame;Goffman;Entertainment commentary

外文关键词:Frame;;Embedded Frame;;Goffman;;Entertainment commentary

摘要:Taking Goffman's frame theory as a basis, this article analyzes an entertainment commentary and investigates how people's different experience of the organization of the daily life may affect their linguistic presentation. It finds commentaries appearing in the mass media cannot just be taken as a combination of the verbal signs following a set of rules, while, instead it is a reflection of the writers' experience of the media itself, the event and participants commented, and the potential audience involved in a particular frame. It is through the transformation and retransformation that the author of this commentary reveals to us her basic concern about the reality in her eyes. Although texts involved in the mass media are usually taken as a one-way communication, they can be taken as the speaker's presentation of self in their social interaction with the potential audience.
Taking Goffman's frame theory as a basis, this article analyzes an entertainment commentary and investigates how people's different experience of the organization of the daily life may affect their linguistic presentation. It finds commentaries appearing in the mass media cannot just be taken as a combination of the verbal signs following a set of rules, while, instead it is a reflection of the writers' experience of the media itself, the event and participants commented, and the potential audience involved in a particular frame. It is through the transformation and retransformation that the author of this commentary reveals to us her basic concern about the reality in her eyes. Although texts involved in the mass media are usually taken as a one-way communication, they can be taken as the speaker's presentation of self in their social interaction with the potential audience.



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