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The Spatial Spillover Effects of Regional Total Factor Productivity in China



英文题名:The Spatial Spillover Effects of Regional Total Factor Productivity in China










外文期刊名:Scientia Geographica Sinica





外文关键词:total factor productivity(TFP); spatial spillover; spatial econometric; China

The paper, using spatial econometric model to study the provinces TFP in China from 1990 to 2011, found, that from the aspects of global and local spatial autocorrelation, China's provincial TFP represents spatial autocorrelation in most years, and that the provincial TFP is not completely in a random state but affected by other regions in the last 22 years. Using a spatial econometric model, the article further discusses factors influencing the regional TFP from space dimension. From the research, we draw the following conclusions: the higher the economic agglomeration level is, the more significant improvement TFP will achieve. Human capital not only plays a remarkably positive role in the increase of economy and efficiency, but also exhibits a certain degree of overflow. Moreover, human capital can promote domestic technological innovation, which contributes to productivity growth. Governmental intervention and industrial structure has a negative impact on TFP, indicating the government should reduce intervention in economic activities; It also means that something unreasonable may exist in China's industrial structure. Therefore, the government needs to continue to transfer economic growth mode, adjust the industrial structure, and develop modern services. The effects posed by the informational level and infrastructure level on TFP are positive. And increasing information level can reduce the cost of enterprise information, promote exchanges and cooperation between enterprises, and thus improve the efficiency of the economy. It should be noted that the effects of infrastructure level on TFP is not statistically significant, which may be related to the selected indicator, for only one indictor can not reflect the condition of the infrastructure completely and accurately. The rise in the proportion of privatization has a number of significant improvements over TFP. Privatization allows decentralization of power in enterprises which helps improve technical efficiency. The level of open economy has largely increased China's regional TFP. Because economic exchanges can introduce some advanced foreign management experience, which will be conductive to improving inter-regional competition and efficiency. The study also found that the investment scale of land in some provinces of China is too large, which causes diseconomy of scale. Altogether, the research finds the evidence that TFP has spillover effect in different regions. Therefore, during the development of regional economy, local governments should not only consider actual conditions of development of local economy, but also break the boundaries of administrative region economy, which will help achieve cross-regional coordination and cooperation, create a win-win situation, and ultimately improve TFP in all regions.



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