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A review of the study of China′s tourism carrying capacity in the past two decades



英文题名:A review of the study of China′s tourism carrying capacity in the past two decades









外文期刊名:Geographical Research





外文关键词:China's tourism carrying capacity study; review; reflection

The past two decades has witnessed the considerable strides made in the study of China's tourism carrying capacity.Based on the literature review on the study of China's tourism carrying capacity,this article was designed to make a reflection on its trend and problem:(1) The planning practice in China's tourism carrying capacity needs to be perfect.(2) The method concerning administrative management needs to be improved;in the domestic tourism market tourism carrying capacity is merely treated as a variable used to limit the number of the tourists.Seemingly feasible,this practice actually poses some potential problems,such as ignorance of the dynamic feature of tourism carrying capacity and of tourists' mobility and the drop in tourists' traveling interest.(3) Three misunderstandings occur in the study of tourism carrying capacity in China's academic field.The first misunderstanding is that tourism carrying capacity is always regarded as definite;the second one is that tourism carrying capacity is regarded as a fixed value;and the third misunderstanding is that the study of the number of tourists receives unnecessary emphasis. On the basis of the above discussion,the findings we obtained show that compared with the boom in China's tourism industry the backwardness in the study of China's tourism carrying capacity has exerted negative influence on the maintainable development in tourism destination.In such a context a systematic study of China's tourism carrying capacity is in emergent need.For this purpose the common understandings are to be reached in terms of the study of China's tourism carrying capacity: ① A relationship of carrier and carried,container and contained is to be symbolized in the study of China's tourism carrying capacity.② The relevant factors concerning the study of China's tourism carrying capacity are in harmony with each other.③ There is much flexibility in the study of China′s tourism carrying capacity.④ A limiting category can be changed into a regulatory category in the study of China's tourism carrying capacity.⑤ Systemic indexes need to be established in terms of regulatory management of China's tourism carrying capacity.



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