The New Model of Global Tourism System of Division and Cooperation and China's Position
英文题名:The New Model of Global Tourism System of Division and Cooperation and China's Position
外文期刊名:Economic Management Journal
基金:国家社会科学基金项目"全球分工新体系下的中国旅游业国际地位评估及提升研究"(14 BGL086)
外文关键词:global tourism system of division and cooperation; China's tourism industry; Positioning and comparison
Currently, the model of global tourism system of division and cooperation is undergoing profound change. Vertical intercontinental tourism division is being broken, demand and supply of tourism are connected more closely among countries around the world and mixed intercontinental tourism division is being formed. China and other BRICS countries are leading the development and upgrading of the tourism industry, which is driving the chan- ges in the global travel. In this paper, the author focuses on the flow and consumption of international tourist to study the model of glob- al tourism system of division and cooperation and China's position in the global tourism system of division and coop- eration. The key tourism data of 218 countries from 1995 to 2013 are included in the research. World tourism has entered a new phase of globalization dividend. Sector innovation, communication, interaction become the new driving force in the world of tourism development. Firstly, the tourism in the Asia Pacific market has experienced a sustained and rapid growth. Asia Pacific and Europe has become the two engines of the world tourism market. Secondly, the share of Middle-income countries in the world tourism market continues to increase, which is driving the growth of the global tourism. Thirdly, there is a direct relationship between the economic development and tourism development. Only a few countries are the Low and Middle income-High tourism income country. Low income country seems difficult to bring a high tourism income. There is also a big gap between the high tourism in- come and low income countries. The gap of the world tourism economy is much bigger than that of the world econo- my. Top five countries of the international tourism income, which are USA, France, Spain, China, Germany and the United Kingdom, accounted for 33.4% of the world tourism income. However, as to the growth rate of the interna- tional tourism income, there is a significant inverse correlation between growth rate and the share of the international tourism income. Top ten of the fastest international tourism income growing countries all over the world are countries with a small international tourism scale. Also countries with a small international tourism scale perform better on the international tourism income per capita. Above all, the model of global tourism system of division and cooperation has is going from the era of double plate era to the multi plate Era. The market of Asia Pacific, Europe and America play a more and more role. A new plural model of global tourism system of division and cooperation is being formed, in which eight core countries and nine sub-core country are connected together to support each other and lead to the formation the plural division of global tourism system. In this process, China is becoming a global tourism economy based on its largest domestic demand, and plays an increasingly central role in the global tourism value chain. Firstly, China is the development engine of the Asia Pacific tourism,which also drives the growth of the world tourism. Secondly,China is the tourism leader in the mid- die-income countries and is entering the phase of the rise of tourism with the economic. Also China is the core coun- tries of the global tourism system of division and cooperation Asia Pacific region. More importantly, based on the world' s and a central destination of international tourism in the largest tourism market, China is on the way from re- source to demand to industrial value chain control, from tourist destination to the world' s largest source of tourists, from a large tourism country to a world-power in tourism. All this new pattern of international travel, have a positive force,is the value of China's tourism industry development and reform lies.