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An Analysis of the Accessibility of China's Tourist Attractions under the Impact of High-speed Railway



英文题名:An Analysis of the Accessibility of China's Tourist Attractions under the Impact of High-speed Railway










外文期刊名:Tourism Tribune





外文关键词:high-speed railway; tourist attractions; accessibility

Good transportation is of great importance for the world tourism countries. As an important means of transportation in China, the rapid development of high-speed railways will strongly promote regional tourism. This article studies the changes of spatial pattern of accessibility to tourist attractions under China' s high-speed rail network in 2012. The paper explores the characteristics of variation on the spatial pattern of tourist destinations and tourist markets, and analyzes quantitatively the impact of high-speed railways on the accessibility to tourist destinations and tourist travel origins at the national level. Supported by the GIS and the massive spatial data, and based on shortest path algorithms and the technique of network analysis, a spatial analysis model of accessibility is constructed to measure accessibility patterns and the potential change in tourism patterns before and after the operation of high- speed railways in 2020. From the research, we draw the following conclusions: in "one day trip or weekend getaway tourism circle", before the high-speed railway were opened, the Yangtze River Delta area, Beijing- Tianjin-Hebei region and cities of Central Plains had the highest accessibility and the largest market scale; after high-speed railway were opened, the accessibility of cities along the high-speed railway was enhanced, which greatly expands the market of tourist attractions along the railway. Cities and tourist attractions along the ri-shaped high-speed railway will possess the maximum market value, and therefore become important tourism economic zones in China. However, comparatively, the accessibility of tourist attractions in Xinjiang and the western regions is low with few changes. Therefore, research shows that cities and tourist attractions along the high-speed railway are the main beneficiaries under the impact of high-speed railway networks. In the aspect of isochronous ring in central cities, the city location and tourism attractions distribution will affect the number of tourism attractions in different time circle, while the high-speed railway will expand the options for day trips and weekend travel. The tour of important capitals along high-speed railways routes will improve a city' s tourism greatly. There is one more noticeable impact of the high-speed railway, that is it increases the competitiveness of these regions, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places. These cities are not only important sources of tourist but also important tourist destinations; high-speed railways will further strengthen the tourism attractiveness of these areas. All in all, high-speed rail service highlights the time-space compression effect, and it not only shortens the distance between source and destination by expanding the market exchanges, but also strengthens the ties between the two places by significantly reducing the costs of travel time, meanwhile providing possibilities of short-term short holiday or long-haul travel and weekend travel. According to the principle of maximum efficiency, the lower the minimum travel time will further stimulate people's travel motivations, and influence the decision-making behavior of tourists. The key findings of the paper are that high-speed rail can achieve rapid external traffic across the regions, and the sustainable development of this shortcut effect is inseparable from the internal transportation network of the cities. To shorten the time from center of the city to the tourist attractions, will further enhance the attractiveness of the tourism areas.



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