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Characteristics and Policy Recommendations of Tourism and Leisure Economy under the New Normal Economy



英文题名:Characteristics and Policy Recommendations of Tourism and Leisure Economy under the New Normal Economy










外文期刊名:Economic Management Journal




外文关键词:tourism and leisure economy; the New Normal; reverse growth; recommendations

Faced with the shift of economic slowdown, structural adjustment pains and pre-stimulus digestion period, China's economy began to emerge from high growth to rapid growth in recent years, this trend is known as the New Normal. Some researchers think that the new normal economy will bring significant opportunities for the devel- opment of tourism and leisure economy, but the researchers did not analyze the relevant reasons ,just give some intu- itive sense or judgment. Some researchers believe that, tourism and leisure economic development will also face a declining trend, they concerned the future development of tourism and leisure economy, therefore they suggest adopt reform, innovation and a series of initiatives to sustain tourism and leisure economy. Whether the optimistic or the pessimistic judgment which related to the future development of tourism and leisure economy, they do not give in- depth research and analysis. We observed that with the economic growth slowdown, there is a clear buck the trend growth trend of tourism and leisure economy, however, tourism and leisure economy has maintained a long-term high growth and has become a hot consumer area. There is significantly different between tourism and leisure economy and macroeconomic performance. This article analysis that the reverse growth of tourism and leisure economy relates to the period which China has fully entered the tourism and leisure economy,tourism and leisure has become the people's an important part of daily life. China's economy has entered a new period of normal; it is that China has fully entered the era of tourism and leisure economy. At the same time, the reverse growth of tourism and leisure economy in China at this stage there are some unique performance, the anti-corruption causes "leisure effect" especially concerned with wealthy groups. Currently there is large gap of Chinese family property ; China has a large number of affluent, with the emer- gence of new economic normality, tourism and leisure economy, especially the rapid growth of outbound tourism, due to the slowdown of economic growth and industrial restructuring and upgrading lead to the original work or profit means no longer attractive, otherwise, there are some barriers when enter the new sectors, the new normal economy triggered the urban residents, especially the wealthy have a "leisure effect" on the distribution of time, the wealthy wait for more time to devote to tourism and leisure lifestyle, "Stop and travel" has become the new norm of the afflu- ent life. The process of the new normal economy is the process of adjustment of industrial structure, the old industrial decline and the shift in the process of new industry boom, Prosperity and development of tourism and leisure econo- my should be the content of the new normal economy. In order to give tourism and leisure economy full play to the role of expanding domestic demand and other aspects of economic growth, We recommend, firstly, further improve the strategic position of tourism and leisure economic, tourism and leisure should become an important part of build- ing a well-off society. Secondly, support tourism and leisure development in the Midwest, border areas, characteristic villages and old revolutionary base areas, in order to compensate for the lack of domestic demand in these backward areas. Thirdly, strengthen tourism public service facilities, and constantly optimize the tourism environment for devel- opment. Forth, relax the visa policy, simplify customs procedures to international visitors, study the deep-seated rea- sons of outbound tourism high consumption, reduce import tariffs on foreign luxury jewelry, and continue to promote the liberalization of trade in tourism services. The last, deepening the reform of the field of tourism, reduce institu- tional obstacles which is harmful to economic development of tourism and leisure, further release the reform bonus.



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