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The Impact of Socialized Agricultural Machinery Services on the Labor Transfer of Maize Growers  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)  


英文题名:The Impact of Socialized Agricultural Machinery Services on the Labor Transfer of Maize Growers

作者:Yang, Siyu[1];Li, Wei[1]

第一作者:Yang, Siyu

通讯作者:Li, W[1]

机构:[1]Beijing Union Univ, Coll Appl Sci & Technol, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China


通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Beijing Union Univ, Coll Appl Sci & Technol, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China.|[1141775]北京联合大学应用科技学院;[11417]北京联合大学;






基金:This research was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China; Research Fund for Beijing Union University 2021, grant number SK30202102 and supported by the Academic Research Projects of Beijing Union University (No. SK10202308).


外文关键词:socialized agricultural machinery services; maize growers; labor transfer; farm household differentiation

摘要:Socialized agricultural machinery services, effectively cracking the "who to plant, how to plant" dilemma, are an important grasp of the development of modern agriculture. Based on the specialization division of labor theory, using the 2019 national survey data of maize growers in 13 provinces, the instrumental variable method and systematic generalized moment estimation (GMM) were used to overcome the endogeneity problem of mutual causality between socialized agricultural machinery services and labor transfer, analyze the impact of socialized agricultural machinery services on the labor transfer of maize growers and its link to heterogeneity, and explore the impact effect in different terrain conditions, part-time. We also explored the cohort differences in the effect in different terrain conditions and degree of part-time work. The endogenous switching regression model (ESR) was also applied to construct a counterfactual framework to further analyze the impact effect of socialized agricultural machinery services on labor transfer. The results showed that socialized agricultural machinery services could effectively promote labor transfer among maize farmers. Compared with maize farmers in other terrain conditions and part-time degree, the impact effect of agricultural machinery socialization services on labor transfer of flatland and pure farming households was more significant. Socialized agricultural machinery services play an important role in driving traditional farming households to labor transfer and realizing their organic connection with modern agriculture.



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