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Evaluating the Research Performances of Tourism Academic Communities of China from 2003 to 2020



英文题名:Evaluating the Research Performances of Tourism Academic Communities of China from 2003 to 2020










外文期刊名:Tourism Tribune




外文关键词:tourism;academic evaluation;academic community;h index;g index

Three Chinese core journal databases CNKI,CSSCI and CSCD,were searched to capture previously published research in refereed academic journals from 2003 to 2020.Fifty terms related to tourism were used as search terms.After a practical screen,duplicates were excluded and a total of 30005 academic papers were obtained and used as the research sample.The sample involved 1143 academic journals,4220 universities/institutions,and 25853 authors.The results showed as follows.Firstly,from 2003 to 2020,the number of both tourism papers and academic journals that publish these papers increased significantly.In terms of the number and influence of the journals,geographical journals continued to maintain their leading positions.Secondly,in terms of the academic outputs and influence,Shaanxi Normal University,Sun Yat-sen University and Anhui Normal University continued to maintain their respective dominant positions.In addition,some normal universities exhibited their strength in doing tourism research.These universities,in addition to the above mentioned two,included Nanjing Normal University,East China Normal University,Shanghai Normal University,and South China Normal University,etc.Thirdly,based on the ranking of the universities,it can be seen that universities with comprehensive strength did not necessary have advantages in tourism research.In fact,most of the“double first-class”universities(with the exception of Sun Yat-sen University)named by the Ministry of Education of China,did not show great advantages.On the contrary,some universities with general comprehensive strength excelled in their tourism research achievements,and some surpassed some“double first-class”universities in both the number and influence of publications.Fourthly,three research institutes,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,and the China Tourism Research Institute,also held a place in tourism academic research.Fifthly,in terms of the age structure of the authors,the proportion of middle-aged scholars over 45 years old(born after 1977)showed a steady increase,and they have gradually become the major force of tourism academic research.The China’s tourism academic community has entered the process of generational turnover.Finally,in terms of the gender of the authors,the proportion of female scholars was relatively low in both this edition and the previous two editions.In terms of the contribution to the tourism academic community,the quality(influence)of female scholars’papers was greater than their quantitative contribution.



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