Review of Leisure Research Progress from the Perspective of Foreign Social Network Studies
英文题名:Review of Leisure Research Progress from the Perspective of Foreign Social Network Studies
外文期刊名:Tourism Tribune
外文关键词:foreign social network; leisure research; progress and review
摘要:社会网络研究在休闲科学领域中逐渐发展成为一种重要的研究取向,具有较强的理论性与应用性。文章从史托考斯基关于休闲的社会网络研究观点出发,从社区网络对休闲行为的影响研究、休闲游憩场所的社会网络研究、休闲组织社会网络的研究,以及研究方法 4个方面评述了近二十多年来国外社会网络视角下休闲研究的进展情况,并指出了现有研究的不足和未来研究的方向,及对中国休闲研究的借鉴意义与启示。
In terms of both theory and practical application,social network research has gradually become an important area in the field of leisure science.The present article introduces the leisure social network studies of American scholar Patricia A.Stokowski.Based on Giddens' structured theoretical framework,Stokowski integrates grounded theory,statistical test methods,and the structuralism and phenomenology proposed by Wellman et al.in creatively establishing a new structural approach to leisure research.Stokowski's view involves two issues.The first is the possibility of individual participation in various social relations;here,the purpose of research efforts is to identify particular patterns in leisure activities(that is,research into the influence of social networks on leisure).The second concerns the influence and overall structure of the leisure network(from both an individual and organizational perspective) and the possibility of applying a structure model that encompasses personal choice and action(that is,research into leisure social networks and their effects).In practice,these two issues can be studied in terms of three aspects: the first aspect is research into the influence of the community network on leisure behavior;the second aspect involves social network research into leisure places;the third consists of social network research into leisure organizations. After Stokowski presented her structural approach to leisure studies over 20 years ago,research in this field has expanded both in terms of content and methodology basically along the lines she proposed.With regard to content,research into leisure networks,recreation places,and leisure organization networks has received considerable attention.In addition,interesting theories have developed relating to the social capital appropriability of self-interest individual networks and leisure partnership development theory.With respect to research methods,Blackshaw et al.expanded upon the leisure structural research framework developed by Stokowski,and they proposed putting the research methods of Elias into the structural studies framework of leisure.In this way,Blackshaw et al.integrated Giddens' structural theory with Elias' process theory,thereby effectively solving the binary opposition problems of individual and structural research as well as micro-and macro-level research within the structural leisure paradigm.Regarding specific research methods,a combination of the quantitative and qualitative research techniques of Wellman et al.has led to enhanced ability to deal with complex subjects. The present article also examines the deficiencies in current areas of research.First,the past almost 20 years of studies have largely focused on empirical research;theoretical studies and critical articles have been few.Second,beyond Stokowski's research into the impact of the community network on leisure behavior,insufficient attention has been paid to the other two research aspects cited above.Third,the relationship among social capital appropriability,leisure partnership development,and social networks also demands further investigation.Finally,this article makes suggestions regarding the future direction and significance of Chinese leisure research:(1) in in-depth studies,greater consideration should be given to the position,role,and distribution of leisure networks;(2) there should be a research focus on the impact of social network structure on leisure life;(3) continuous contact problems between level exchange relations need to be examined with respect to leisure partnership development and vertical relations based on power and interests;(4) there should be a research focus on the individual meaning attached to belonging to leisure organizational networks;and(5) it is necessary to learn from foreign research paradigms so as to identify both local Chinese characteristics and develop an international vision for research paradigms in social networks.