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Optimization Technology of Optical Fiber Communication Network Based on Service Classification  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Optimization Technology of Optical Fiber Communication Network Based on Service Classification

作者:Zhang, Ning[1]; Chen, Bingjun[1]; Yang, Yansong[1]; Sun, Huijuan[2]; Chen, Ming[1]; Chen, Tingting[1]; Chen, Xiaodan[1]; Xiao, Mingming[1]; Luo, Yang[3]


通讯作者:Zhang, Ning

机构:[1] Smart City College, Beijing Union University, Beijing, China; [2] Institute of Fundamental and Interdisciplinary Sciences, Beijing Union University, Beijing, China; [3] Institute of Light Wave Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China


会议论文集:2020 3rd International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Technologies and Applications, MSOTA 2020

会议日期:November 22, 2020 - November 23, 2020

会议地点:Beijing, Virtual, China


外文关键词:Electromagnetic pulse - Fault tolerance - Fiber optic networks - Internet protocols - Light transmission - Optical fibers - Optical switches - Packet switching - Switching networks - Voice/data communication systems

摘要:Optical fiber has huge bandwidth, as a physical medium, it has good anti electromagnetic interference characteristics and excellent security performance, which is very suitable for the establishment of backbone transmission network. Wavelength division multiplexing(WDM) network based on optical fiber has been widely used. Using optical fiber for information transmission can give full play to the nearly unlimited transmission capacity of optical fiber. With the advent of the information age, data service has become the mainstream business, replacing the original telephone voice service. The great development of data transmission service further promotes the continuous development of WDM network technology. Among all kinds of services in optical network, IP service accounts for the largest proportion. In optical networks, switching is an important technology. Network performance is directly related to switching technology. With the development of optical communication technology, a variety of optical switching devices are introduced into WDM optical network, such as optical packet switching, optical burst switching and so on. This makes WDM layer have the ability of dynamic path establishment and removal similar to IP layer. In order to improve the performance of the optical network and reduce the blocking rate of the network, in WDM optical network, the services are designed in different levels. For some very important services, the highest priority is given, and the optical path channel with better survivability and higher fault tolerance is selected. For general services, it can be designed as a lower level service, and choose the appropriate optical path channel for transmission. The experimental results show that this hierarchical service design method can make more effective use of network resources, reduce the network blocking rate, and improve the overall performance of the network. ? Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.



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