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Analysis on System for Exchange Facilitation of Cross-border Tourists and Study on Countermeasures



英文题名:Analysis on System for Exchange Facilitation of Cross-border Tourists and Study on Countermeasures










外文期刊名:Tourism Tribune





外文关键词:cross-border tourism; tourist exchange facilitation; institutional analysis; suggestions on countermeasures;

Currently,China implements"One Belt One Road"(OBOR) and free trade zone strategies vigorously. The opening of China to the outside world has stepped into a stage mainly involving the construction of free trade zone and constantly headed towards service trade liberalization from goods trade liberalization. Travel service trade is an important constituent part of service trade. The report of the Third Plenary Session of the 18 thCentral Committee of the Chinese Communist Party proposed to accelerate along- border opening and allow the implementation of special ways and policies in key along- border ports,border cities and economic cooperation zones in terms of personnel exchange,processing logistics and tourism. Under such circumstances,promoting exchange facilitation of tourists with adjacent countries to realize travel service trade liberalization becomes an important content of implementing OBOR strategy and management and planning for peripheries and exerting tourism diplomacy functions. Attention should be paid that the opening-up work of along-border open cities has been implemented mainly around cargo exchange for a long time. Bilateral port and traffic and transportation agreements signed with this starting point and institutional factors of departments such as public security,frontier defense,diplomacy,traffic,customs,port management and inspection and quarantine for border cities and port construction have great deficiencies in terms of guaranteeing exchange facilitation of tourists. The same can be regarded as major factors restricting tourist exchange of adjacent countries. Exchange of cross- border tourists was called as border tourism in the past.Current researches on border tourism in China lack research or analysis on exchange facilitation of cross- border tourists in institutional aspect. As the implementation of cross- border tourism is closely related to the opening degree and policies of the country,its entry and exit management and the relationship with surrounding countries,tourist exchange between China and surrounding countries is influenced by its national conditions and relationship with surrounding countries. There is no pertinent research internationally. This research lasting for four years conducts systematic analysis on institutional factors and analyzes the influence of relevant management and provisions such as current port opening system,ADS(Approved Destination Status) management system,border tourism project approval system,bilateral visa agreement and domestic and foreign self- driving entry and exit management on entry and exit of tourists based on investigation,interview,discussion and consultation about various bilateral agreements with adjacent countries and series of regulations,management methods and policy documents issued by relevant departments. Finally,this paper proposes to revise Temporary Management Method on Border Tourism and loosen border tourism control based on new situations and requirements of opening to the outside world; develop cross-border tourism cooperation zone and positively implement cross-border tourism cooperation; implement policies facilitating tourist pass and promote free exchange of tourists in border regions; promote institutional change about giving more preferences or supports to border regions in tourism project type,tourism land- use,support of finance and tax and training of tourism talents and innovate suggestions on pertinent countermeasures for system and mechanism.



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