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The Relationship of the Attitude to Obesity and Mental Health in High-Grade Students in Primary Students



英文题名:The Relationship of the Attitude to Obesity and Mental Health in High-Grade Students in Primary Students












外文关键词:Children;Obesity;Obesity Attitude;Mental Health of Children

摘要:目的:本研究旨在探讨小学高年级学生对肥胖儿童的态度和其心理健康之间的关系。方法:以北京市密云区246名五、六年级学生为被试(男生142名,女生104名),采用共享活动问卷(SAQ)、心理健康诊断测验(MHT)分别测量肥胖态度和心理健康,用被试填写的身高体重计算的BMI指数作为肥胖水平的指标。结果:1) 肥胖水平与肥胖态度总分显著正相关,与心理健康孤独倾向分数显著正相关,肥胖态度总分与心理健康孤独倾向和恐怖倾向维度分显著负相关。2) 肥胖水平可以正向预测儿童肥胖态度得分和孤独倾向维度分,在肥胖水平对孤独倾向的影响中,肥胖态度是遮掩作用。3) 不同肥胖水平的儿童在态度总分及其维度分上差异性显著,肥胖学生在肥胖态度总分和维度分上均显著高于体重正常学生。4) 不同肥胖水平的儿童在心理健康冲动性维度分上的差异性显著,过瘦水平学生的冲动倾向得分显著高于正常水平学生。结论:1) 肥胖态度在肥胖水平和儿童心理健康之间存在遮掩效应。2) 不同肥胖水平的儿童在肥胖态度和心理健康上存在显著差异。
Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the attitudes to obese children and their mental health. Methods: A total of 246 students of Grade 5 and Grade 6 in Jizhuang Primary School in Miyun district of Beijing were studied. The attitude to obesity and mental health were measured by shared activity questionnaire (SAQ) and mental health diagnostic test (MHT). The BMI was calculated by asking the participants to fill in their height and weight. Results: 1) The level of obesity was significantly correlated with the total score of obesity attitude, significantly correlated with the score of mental health loneliness tendency, and the total score of shared activities and the scores of various dimensions were negatively correlated with the score of mental health loneliness tendency. 2) Obesity level (BMI) was a positive predictor of shared activity in children. Obesity level (BMI) was a positive predictor of loneliness score, and obesity attitude (shared activity) was a masking effect. 3) There were significant differences in the total scores and dimensions of shared activities among children with different levels of obesity. The post-test showed that the obese students were significantly higher than the normal-weight students in the total scores and dimensions of shared activities. 4) There were significant differences in the dimension of impulsivity of mental health among children with different levels of obesity, and the score of impulsivity of overweight students was significantly higher than that of normal students. Conclusion: 1) Obesity attitude has a masking effect between the level of obesity and the mental health of children. 2) There were significant differences in obesity attitude and mental health among children with different obesity levels.



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