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A research on the market of Chinese brands of sportswear accessories and their designs  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:A research on the market of Chinese brands of sportswear accessories and their designs

作者:Yang, Lizhen[1]


通讯作者:Yang, L.

机构:[1] College of Applies Science and Technology, Beijing Union University, Beijing, China


会议论文集:2010 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design, CAID and CD'2010

会议日期:17 November 2010 through 19 November 2010



外文关键词:Commerce - Competition - Conceptual design

摘要:In sportswear accessories market in China, the competition is in keen environment., The famous brands having stationed in foreign countries, occupy a large market share, and are in domination, although some Chinese sportswear accessories brands promote faster and have made significant improvement in this business conditions. But on the whole, China sportswear accessories enterprises are still vulnerable. This article, basis on the survey by four groups of market research and analysis, is to identify problems and solutions and studies on the sportswear accessories market. From the market needs, brand design differences can find out the key points for the entire sportswear accessories market For the problems such as product design series is in a low level, the article studies on the expansion ways of China brand sportswear accessories in their variety, enhancing the product series design, creating personalized brands. ? 2010 IEEE.



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