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Statistics Study on the Driving Effects of MICE Tourism——Take Beijing for Example



英文题名:Statistics Study on the Driving Effects of MICE Tourism——Take Beijing for Example








外文期刊名:Economic Management Journal




外文关键词:MICE tourism; driving effect; statistic

In recent years, MICE tourism, as an emerging industry with high additional value and strong rele- vancy, develops very fast. The driving effect of MICE tourism becomes hot spot for professional research. Based on the analysis of the present situation and development of MICE tourism statistics both at home and abroad, this paper explores many aspects as making clear of the statistics range of MICE tourism, perfecting the statistics system of MICE tourism and investigating data of MICE tourism in Beijing. Using the methods of income and investment, this paper measures and calculates the driving effects of MICE tourism on other industries and in turn, it supports the development and the statistics of MICE tourism in Beijing. As one of the most important components of service industry, MICE tourism plays a big role in increasing do- mestic demand and employment. It promotes the fast development of relevant industries by correlation effect and multiplier effect and in turn , MICE tourism becomes a new point of economic development which is called a "as- sistor" for the economic development of a city. MICE tourism is an integrated tourism product resulted from taking part in the activities of conference, exhibition, festival or event to meet the requirements of interpersonal communi- cation. MICE tourism is not the same as MICE industry which includes mainly conference, exhibition, incentive tourism, festival or event. MICE tourism has a close relationship with MICE industry in a lot of aspects including conference, exhibition, festival or event, transportation, catering, accommodation, communication, advertisement, culture and entertainment, The statistic of MICE tourism involves a wide range, however, up to now, there is still not a general recog- nized standard about the statistic of MICE tourism both at home and abroad. Take the word conference for example, different countries or cities have different standards which in turn result in many different data of the statistic. Therefore, it is difficult to measure the driving effect of MICE tourism. At the same time, there is not a institution responsible for setting standards about the relevant statistic of MICE tourism. Although there are many research achievements about driving effect of relevant industry, yet most earlier stud- ies on this issue pay their attentions on macroscopic description or ordinary research which lack of overall or system- ic quantitative analysis with more statistic data. This paper takes Beijing for example and explores the driving effect of MICE tourism on other industries. By using the methods of investigation, statistics and input - output analysis, this paper makes an overall study on the driving effect of MICE tourism in Beijing which is both scientific and sys- tematic. It plays an important role in promoting the development of MICE tourism in Beijing. Direct statistic and the calculation method for correlation coefficient are used to acquire the driving effect of the core industries of MICE tourism. The driving effect of Beijing MICE tourism on other relevant industries can be got after collecting all the direct statistic data and make some calculation according to the different correlation coefficient and driving coeffi- cient. Generally speaking, the driving coefficient of MICE tourism is thought to be between 1 " 5 to 1 " 9 in the world and it is even thought the same number of 1 : 9 in our country. This paper makes a statistical and empirical study on this issue and appears significance for the development of MICE tourism in Beijing.



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