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Research on tourism resources in the new era:Protection,utilization and innovative development:Comments of young tourism geographers



英文题名:Research on tourism resources in the new era:Protection,utilization and innovative development:Comments of young tourism geographers










外文期刊名:Journal of Natural Resources





外文关键词:new era;tourism resources;research;protection;development

Nowadays,China has fully come into the massive tourism era.Tourism continuously occupies one most quickly growing industry in the macro-economy and becomes a strategic pillar industry in regional economic development.Since China is rich in tourism resources,which are the foundation of conventional tourism development,it is crucial to deal with the relationship between property protection and utilization of tourism resources,meanwhile,achieving innovative development.In this issue,16 young tourism geographers discuss tourism resources protection and utilization in the new era.They clarify a set of key points about tourism resources research,including new knowledge of value,new ways to protect and use,and new discussions for special resources.The main points state as follows.(1) Massive tourism mode changing bring the industry innovation,as well as resources’ meaning expansion.In the new era,by embracing a perspective of construction,generalization,and a combination of tourism resources,we need to rethink how to define,classify and evaluate these resources.In the future,resources will still be the basis of tourism development,which should capture more reasonable recognition of their new characteristics and values.(2) Under the constraints of ecological reserves,controls in exploitation of traditional resources will be more severe.From the supplyside,considering the transformation from resources to products,we should take more measures such as complying with the market rules,meeting tourists’ new needs,excavating cultural senses,creating new developing paths amid new technologies support,and forming popular products.These measures will be beneficial to stimulate the marketing values,upgrade the regional industry,and realize to coordinate resources,capital,and assets in a sustainable way.(3) From the demand-side,we should be aware of the common changes of tourists,lead to new behavioral norms in civilized tourism,and guide the tourists to protect resources spontaneously,which will rewardingly balance environmental protection and industrial development.(4) Abundant resources require diverse approaches to protect and rationally use.In light of rural tourism resources,we should assess their new value,follow the strategy of rural vitalization,suit measures to local conditions,pay main concerns on tourism agglomerations,consider local communities’ interests,and innovatively promote sustainable development.Based primarily on sustainability,agricultural heritages re-use needs to be concerned about novel multi-participation machinery dynamically.For human tourism resources,it is necessary to maintain authenticity with traditional culture integration,and coordinate cultural inheritance and tourism growth.Mentioned with ethnic tourism resources in mountainous region,we suggest paying attention to the uniqueness of regional system,taking account of the contemporary value and human-land relationship,and then adopting appropriate measures.Besides,owing to homestay’s role in activating rural stacks,it is recommended to enhance ecological protection,and boost the homestay cluster.



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