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Daily Associations Between Adolescents' Executive Function and School Engagement: The Role of Ethnic/Racial Discrimination    


英文题名:Daily Associations Between Adolescents' Executive Function and School Engagement: The Role of Ethnic/Racial Discrimination

作者:Wang, Yijie[1,3];Chen, Mingzhang[1];Zhang, Youchuan[1];Chen, Yulu[2]

第一作者:Wang, Yijie

通讯作者:Wang, YJ[1]

机构:[1]Michigan State Univ, Human Dev & Family Studies, E Lansing, MI USA;[2]Beijing Union Univ, Teachers Coll, Dept Psychol, Beijing, Peoples R China;[3]Michigan State Univ, Human Dev & Family Studies, 552 West Circle Dr,Human Ecol 13C, E Lansing, MI 48864 USA

第一机构:Michigan State Univ, Human Dev & Family Studies, E Lansing, MI USA

通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Michigan State Univ, Human Dev & Family Studies, 552 West Circle Dr,Human Ecol 13C, E Lansing, MI 48864 USA.




基金:Yijie Wang acknowledges support from William T. Grant Foundation (188162). Yulu Chen was supported by Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of MOE (22YJC190002) and Social Sciences Foundation of Beijing (16JYC023). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the funding agencies. Study materials are made available at the Open Science Framework: https:// osf.io/65vuc.


外文关键词:executive function; school engagement; ethnic/racial discrimination; daily method; adolescents

摘要:Executive function (EF) has rarely been considered for adolescents' daily school outcomes or in conjunction with ethnic/racial discrimination. Using 2-week, daily data from 137 ethnic/racial minority adolescents (M-age = 14.56; 53% female; 56% Black, 19% Latinx, 7% Asian, 7% Native, 12% other [e.g., multiracial]) in the Midwest United States, this study examined same-day, within-person associations between EF and school engagement (controlling for prior-day engagement), and how these associations varied by adolescents' daily experiences of ethnic/racial discrimination. Two EF components, inhibitory control and working memory, were associated with higher levels of school engagement on the same day, only on days when adolescents reported lower than their typical levels of discrimination. An alternative, indirect effect (i.e., discrimination compromised same-day school engagement via EF) was not observed. Findings highlight novel mechanisms through which discrimination may contribute to educational disparities.



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