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Application of Social Satisfaction Survey in City Health Examination Evaluation



英文题名:Application of Social Satisfaction Survey in City Health Examination Evaluation










外文期刊名:Scientia Geographica Sinica





外文关键词:subjective satisfaction;city health examination;urban evaluation;city health examination method system

In recent years, urban construction in China has gradually changed from "production-centered" to"people’s life-centered". How to enhance the people’s sense of acquisition has become the goal of urban improvement. Therefore, the Beijing government and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development have introduced social satisfaction surveys into their city health examination work, which use the subjective satisfaction of residents as a measurement scale, and is complementary to the traditional single perspective evaluation, so as to improve the regional environment and the people’s livelihood. This article reviews the concept and connotation of subjective satisfaction, summarizes the research progress of subjective satisfaction surveys in the field of urban researches. And on that basis, it introduces the implementation schemes and major conclusions of the city health examination work carried by the Beijing government and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development separately. Finally, it summarizes the characteristics of social satisfaction survey, and puts forward its research prospects. The results point out that subjective satisfaction is extensively used in geography and urban planning to measure residents’ subjective perception to the various aspects of the residential environment. It is mainly used to assess the quality of the regional environment, evaluate the implementation effects of planning projects, and calculate the suitable environmental indicators and their parameters.The subjective satisfaction index system in city health examination always corresponds to the objective evaluation index system, and follows the principle of combining comprehensiveness and hierarchy. The survey method can be conducted online or offline according to the actual situation. According to the results of case analysis, the subjective satisfaction data are more vivid than the objective data, which can be more accurately reflect the value judgment and willing of different groups on urban development, and show that people really cares. In the analysis, it is matched with the attributes and characteristics of different groups, so that the main demands of different groups can be deeply explored. The addition of subjective satisfaction data enables the whole project to set indicators and determine evaluation levels more flexibly according to the evaluation objects. In addition, it is easier to find the differences among groups, as well as existing problems and deficiencies. The difficulty of its application is the high cost of carrying out, and it is difficult to track the same group of people and make historical comparisons. Furthermore, it is also difficult to interpret the results of satisfaction surveys and extract policy recommendations from them. In the future, a normalized social satisfaction survey work mechanism should be established in city health examination. It should promote the integration of subjective satisfaction data with objective data, 12 345 hotline data and other multi-source data, subjectively and objectively corroborating each other to guide urban planning and management, so as to improve the level of refinement of urban construction.



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