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Identification and evaluation of residential environment types in Beijing city



英文题名:Identification and evaluation of residential environment types in Beijing city










外文期刊名:Geographical Research





外文关键词:residential environment type; identification; evaluation; Beijing

Residential environment is closely related to people's basic living conditions, such as dwelling, daily trip, shopping, medical care, school attendance and environmental quality. In recent years, residential environment has become a great concern for residents, scholars and governments at all levels. For example, the central government proposed: "the living space should be livable and proper in size" in the report of 18 th Party Congress last year. Besides, the Beijing government set "livable city" as one of its development goals in 2004. However,improving residential environment and building livable city require a deep understanding of residential environment types, including their status quo, characteristics and problems. The paper, taking Beijing city as a research case, studies the types of its residential environment from a comprehensive way using both objective and subjective methods. The objective data comes from "Digital Beijing" database and the fifth national census, while the subjective data comes from a large- scale residential survey. The paper uses "Jiedao" as a basic research unit and employs factor ecology method to identify six residential types. Then it uses respondents' satisfaction level as an evaluation indicator to find out major problems of each residential environment type. The results indicate that Beijing city can be identified as six types:heterogeneous inner- city districts; homogenous inner- city districts; mix land- use suburban districts; high- density suburban districts; mix land- use exurban districts; and developing exurban districts. The spatial organization of these residential types reflects the spatial attributes of concentric circles, sectors and multi- nuclear patterns at the same time. Residents' evaluation varies greatly among the six types. The most obvious feature is the inclining satisfaction level from urban center to suburbs. Residents are satisfied with the heterogeneous inner- city districts, while they exhibit a quite low satisfaction level with developing exurban districts because of the low accessibility performance. Furthermore, their ratings for mix landuse districts are also at a low level due to the pollution and crowding problems. This paper will not only improve the understanding of the pattern of residential environment, but also inform government policies guiding public facilities provision, urban space construction and residents' migration.



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