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The contribution of forest and grassland change was greater than that of cropland in human-induced vegetation greening in China, especially in regions with high climate variability  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)  


英文题名:The contribution of forest and grassland change was greater than that of cropland in human-induced vegetation greening in China, especially in regions with high climate variability

作者:Liu, Hua[1];Deng, Yu[2];Liu, Xiaoqian[3]

第一作者:Liu, Hua

通讯作者:Deng, Y[1]

机构:[1]Beijing Normal Univ, Sch Environm, State Key Lab Water Environm Simulat, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China;[2]Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China;[3]Beijing Union Univ, Coll Appl Arts & Sci, Beijing 100191, Peoples R China

第一机构:Beijing Normal Univ, Sch Environm, State Key Lab Water Environm Simulat, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China

通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.





基金:This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41877523) ; National Key Research and Development Program (No. 2019YFC0507802) ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 2019055) ; and Programme of Excellent Young Scientists of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 2017RC202) .


外文关键词:Vegetation greening; Climate variability; Human activity; Influencing faors; Regime

摘要:Vegetation growth is strongly affected by both human activities and climate change. The contribution of land use change caused by human activities to vegetation growth may correlate with climate change, whereas climate variability has often been overlooked. To quantify vegetation growth during 1982-2017 in China, we used the Leaf Area Index (LAI). We also introduced climate variability to divide climate regimes using assignment entropy and built a relative greening performance indicator to identify the contribution of land use (forest, grassland, and cropland) changes to vegetation growth. The results showed that climate variability increased based on precip-itation classification, and the regions with low and high climate variability accounted for 33.38%-34.41% and 12.18%-32.38% of China before and after 2000, respectively. Areas of vegetation growth affected by human activ-ities accounted for 7.71%-19.31% and were located mainly in low variability regimes. The contribution of forest and grassland change was greater than that of cropland to vegetation greening in China, especially in high vari-ability regimes. However, the contribution of cropland change was greater than that of forest and grassland in low variability regimes. These results imply the importance of forest and grassland change in human-induced vegetation greening, and this information can provide guidance for regional ecosystem management. (c) 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V.



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