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Comparative Study on Tourism Cognitive Differences from Inbound Visitors to Beijing    


英文题名:Comparative Study on Tourism Cognitive Differences from Inbound Visitors to Beijing

作者:Zhao Xiaoyan[1];Sun Mengyang[1]

机构:[1]Beijing Union Univ, Tourism Inst, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China


会议论文集:International Symposium on Tourism Resources and Management

会议日期:FEB 05-06, 2010

会议地点:Inst Tourism Studies, Macau, PEOPLES R CHINA

主办单位:Inst Tourism Studies


外文关键词:inbound tourist; tourism cognitive difference; tourism destination; comparative study

摘要:Recent years inbound tourists to Beijing have developed steadily. Influenced by international financial crisis & tourism destination competition, foreign visitor arrivals from the main generating countries decrease slightly. In order to enhance effect of tourism destination marketing, perfect overall image, improve tourism enterprises service quality and develop tourism product, we should study on inbound tourists' cognitive behavior from main generating countries. The authors analyze visitors' cognitive differences from five generating countries based on market sampling investigation result in this paper. In 2008, the yearly foreign visitor arrivals total 3.357 million in Beijing. The top five visitor generating countries to Beijing are U.S.A, Japan, KOR, Britain & Russia. The total visitor arrivals from top five generating countries represent 49% of total inbound foreign arrivals to Beijing. This large number of inbound visitor arrivals has played an important role in Beijing tourism industry. This paper has theoretical and practical significance on keeping inbound tourism steady and healthy development in Beijing.



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