Analysis on the Comparison Methods of Two Sorted Lists in Total-Order Set ( CPCI-S收录 EI收录)
英文题名:Analysis on the Comparison Methods of Two Sorted Lists in Total-Order Set
作者:Fu Bai-wen[1];Sun Lian-ying[1]
通讯作者:Fu, BW[1]
机构:[1]Beijing Union Univ, Informat Coll, Dept Software Engn, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China
通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Beijing Union Univ, Informat Coll, Dept Software Engn, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.|[1141734]北京联合大学智慧城市学院;[11417]北京联合大学;[11417143]北京联合大学机器人学院软件工程系;[1141739]机器人学院;
会议论文集:International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV)
会议日期:AUG 30-31, 2014
会议地点:Shenyang, PEOPLES R CHINA
外文关键词:algorithm; comparison; sorted list; probability
摘要:The comparison methods for two sorted lists on total-order set have been discussed. Several cases are put forward to and the maximum value, the minimum value and the calculation formula for expected value of comparison times between two sorted lists are given and its correctness is proved. The relations between the comparison times and the size of the problem have been discovered by the experiment results and some advices are proposed for the design of lottery and some other activities of this type. The method has been applied in computer simulation for one kind of sports lottery and the consistency is shown by the experiment results between the values of computer simulation and the values of theory method.