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Study on the Development of the Integration of Tourism and Other Industries-Sports Tourism as an Example    


英文题名:Study on the Development of the Integration of Tourism and Other Industries-Sports Tourism as an Example

作者:Qin Ming[1]


机构:[1]Beijing Union Univ, Tourism Inst, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China


会议论文集:12th International Symposium on Management Science and Engineering

会议日期:SEP 13-16, 2013

会议地点:Nanajing, PEOPLES R CHINA


外文关键词:Industry convergence; Sports tourism; Sports Tourism Products

摘要:Tourism is a strong association industry, It is with a lot of industry exists between the cross and strong complementarily. Tourism and related industries, mutual penetration. The fusion development and constantly create new tourism products and Tourism. It has become the new orientation of the development of the tourism industry. Sports tourism is a new orientation. Tourism is an experience activity, this article from experience economy perspective to explain the relationship between experience economy and development of sports tourism industry. It highlights sports tourism products is a special product of "experience", and strive to design unique sports tourism products to meet the personalized sports tourist needs, development a new form of tourism, create a new tourism brand.



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