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Win-win or lose-lose: Children prefer the form of equality    


英文题名:Win-win or lose-lose: Children prefer the form of equality

作者:Ma, Rui[1];Chen, Yulu[1,2];Xu, Qian[1,2];Wu, Nan[1,2]

第一作者:Ma, Rui

通讯作者:Chen, YL[1];Wu, N[1];Chen, YL[2];Wu, N[2]

机构:[1]Beijing Union Univ, Teachers Coll, Dept Psychol, Beijing 100011, Peoples R China;[2]Beijing Union Univ, Learning & Psychol Dev Inst Children & Adolescents, 5 Waiguanxie St, Beijing 100011, Peoples R China


通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Beijing Union Univ, Teachers Coll, Dept Psychol, Beijing 100011, Peoples R China;[2]corresponding author), Beijing Union Univ, Learning & Psychol Dev Inst Children & Adolescents, 5 Waiguanxie St, Beijing 100011, Peoples R China.|[11417]北京联合大学;[1141711]北京联合大学师范学院;





基金:Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Humanities and Social Sciences Fund of the Ministry of Education (Grant No 22YJC190002) .


外文关键词:Children; Third -party punishment; Equality; Win -win equality; Lose -lose equality

摘要:In middle childhood, children's sense of fairness further develops, they are willing to pay a cost to maintain equality. Win -win and lose -lose are two forms of equality. Win -win equality refers to both parties maximizing benefits, while lose -lose equality means both parties incurring the maximum loss. Win -win equality allows third party upholding fairness to gain more reputational benefits without the violator being punished, embodying the principle of "benefiting oneself without harming others". On the other hand, lose -lose equality is a more deterrent form of fairness with the violator getting punished, and the third -party might experience a situation of "effort without appreciation." However, the specific form of equality which school -aged children prefer still requires further exploration. Therefore, adopting the dictator game paradigm of third -party punishment, we design two experiments to investigate the fairness preference of first to fourth -grade children when acting as a third party and to clarify patterns of age -related changes. Study 1 ( N = 111) explored children's preferred form of fairness under advantageous inequity conditions. Study 2 ( N = 122) further examined children's fairness preferences in disadvantageous inequity situations. The findings suggest that when confronted with inequitable distributions, whether rooted in disadvantageous or advantageous inequity, children display a notable tendency to utilize third -party punishment to achieve an equal allocation. Meanwhile, this tendency strengthens as they progress in grade levels. Notably, children consistently manifest a preference for win -win equality, highlighting their inclination towards mutually beneficial outcomes.



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