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Identification and classification program of the bearing body of the natural hazards



英文题名:Identification and classification program of the bearing body of the natural hazards










外文期刊名:Geographical Research





外文关键词:natural hazard; hazard-bearing body; classification system; classification program

The study of the hazard-bearing body is the basic research for the risk assessment of the natural disasters. In particular, its classification technology and program are of great significance to prevent and reduce the disaster. The hazard-bearing body means the various objects which have close relationship with the human to confront the natural disaster and loss, including not only the physical objects of economy and assets and non-physical objects of the social-culture, but also the ecology and resources objects related closely with human living environment. We consider the physical assets should focus on the specialty of private, and the hazard-bearing body should contain the industrial, agricultural production and other economic activities. Furthermore, the resources and environment which are of great significance to the people's living and development should be contained in the hazard-bearing body. Based on the clarification on these key problems, we propose four fundamental principles to identify and classify the hazard-bearing body, which consider that the immovable property is the core and that the movable property is the supplementary. Then, based on the differentiation of the statistical method, function, basic property and manifestation, we designed the four-grade classification system of the hazard-bearing body, including cluster, item, type and manifestation of the hazard-bearing body. According to this classification system, we identified all the hazard-bearing bodies into 7 clusters, 19 items, 59 types and many manifestations, which formed the classification program of the hazard-bearing body. Finally, we analyzed the relationship between the type of hazard-bearing body and the type of natural disaster and influence form. The research results in this paper establish the foundation to investigate the hazard-bearing bodies and estimate their vulnerability, and provide the guidance to carry out the work to prevent and reduce natural disasters. However, the analysis of the classification of hazard-bearing body in this paper is still rough. In particular, there are so many hazard-bearing bodies and maybe some of them could not be involved into the discussion in this paper. Analysis of this paper also shows that more detailed research on this topic should be presented.



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