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A study on innovations of e-business models for Chinese tourism industry  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:A study on innovations of e-business models for Chinese tourism industry

作者:Yu, Ping[1]


通讯作者:Yu, P.

机构:[1] Tourism Institute, Beijing Union University, Beijing, 100101, China


会议论文集:Proceedings - 2010 International Forum on Information Technology and Applications, IFITA 2010

会议日期:16 July 2010 through 18 July 2010



外文关键词:Electronic commerce - Leisure industry

摘要:Chinese tourism e-business is operated in four basic models, namely, information release model, tourism enterprise operated on-line business model, segmented tourism products on-line business model and integrated tourism products on-line sales model. These models are basically on slight or primary level, suffering from shortages like monotone and identicalness, and lacking uniqueness and depth. Chinese tourism e-business is expected to enjoy its flourishing by model innovations, which are in accordance with the china's actual conditions, such like expanding the existing models, introducing new models, applying new technologies, redistributing the benefits, integrating on-line and off-line businesses, focusing on segmented markets, creating personalized products and achieving a holistic integration of the industry. The model exploring open up the creative way of industry development in prfound level. ? 2010 IEEE.



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