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Survey of Action Recognition Based on Attention Mechanism  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Survey of Action Recognition Based on Attention Mechanism

作者:Wu, Zhixuan[1,2]; Ma, Nan[1,2]; Yao, Yongqiang[1,2]; Zhang, Guoping[1,2]

第一作者:Wu, Zhixuan

机构:[1] Beijing Key Laboratory of Information Service Engineering, Beijing Union University, Beijing, 100101, China; [2] College of Robotics, Beijing Union University, Beijing, 100101, China


会议论文集:Proceedings of 2021 Chinese Intelligent Automation Conference

会议日期:November 5, 2021 - November 7, 2021

会议地点:Zhanjiang, China


外文关键词:Classification (of information) - Human computer interaction - Human robot interaction - Vehicles

摘要:Attention mechanism for action recognition is to enhance data by using attention mechanism so as to recognize human action in video. This research has been intensely investigated in the field of computer vision, which has attracted extensive attention from academia and industry. It is also the premise of intelligent interaction and human-computer cooperation, which helps the machine to perceive the external environment. In the past decade, especially the emergence of deep learning technology, great progress has been made in this field. Therefore, it is necessary to make a comprehensive review of the recent work. This paper summarizes the research background and application fields, typical datasets and experimental evaluation, and compares various attention mechanism for human action feature representation and action classification algorithms. Finally, we look forward to the development prospect of human action recognition in self-driving vehicles. This paper provides ideas for the follow-up research on the understanding of the behavior of self-driving vehicles, and makes self-driving vehicles become interactive wheeled robots. ? 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.



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