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Ecological Benefit Evaluation of Agricultural Heritage System Conservation——A Case Study of the Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System



英文题名:Ecological Benefit Evaluation of Agricultural Heritage System Conservation——A Case Study of the Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System











基金:The Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry of Chinese Academy of Forestry (RISFZ-2016-15);The National Natural Science Foundation of China (41801204)。



外文关键词:Agricultural Heritage System Conservation;ecological benefit;Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System;evaluation;Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS)

摘要:为了解和掌握全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)项目实施10年来,青田稻鱼共生系统的生物多样性、生态系统结构与功能、生态环境等发展状况及其变化趋势,本研究通过历史资料收集、样地调查等方式,收集整理遗产地2005–2013年相关数据,开展了农业文化遗产保护的生态效益评估。结果表明:(1)GIAHS项目实施,遗产地传统水稻品种基本保持稳定,其它农作物种类基本保持不变,果树和药用植物品种发展较快。随着遗产地生态环境日益改善,系统内的生物多样性种类和丰富程度都有所增加,最具代表性的就是白鹭和野猪的不断增多。(2)青田县方山乡河流、森林、城镇和荒地生态系统面积增加,其中城镇生态系统增加面积最大,达到20.30 ha,森林生态系统面积增加了7.29 ha;湿地、水库、农田和草地生态系统面积减少,其中草地生态系统面积减少最大,达到28.87 ha。从不同生态系统类型服务功能价值变化来看,森林生态系统服务功能价值增加最多,达到9.20万元/年,河流和荒漠生态系统服务功能价值有所增加,但并不明显。(3)稻田土壤养分、稻田水质没有明显变化,稻田病虫害没有明显增加,各项监测指标远远好于标准值。农村改路、改水、改厕和村庄绿化、亮化和美化,极大改善了农村生产生活条件和农民居住环境。
In order to better understand the developmental conditions and trends of the biodiversity at agricultural heritage sites,the structure and function of the ecosystem and ecological environment in Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System is examined in the decade since the implementation of the GIAHS project.Through the collection of historical data and sample-plot survey,this study collates the data from 2005 to 2013 related to the heritage site to evaluate the ecological benefit of the Agricultural Heritage System conservation.The results show that:(1)Since the implementation of heritage conservation,the variety of traditional rice grown at the heritage sites basically remains stable,the varieties of other crops basically remain unchanged and the varieties of fruit trees and medicinal plants have developed at faster rates.As the ecological environment at the heritage sites gradually improved,the species and richness of the biodiversity in the ecosystem have increased,especially the increasing growth of egrets and boars.(2)From 2005 to 2013 in the Fangshan Town of Qingtian County,the ecosystem areas identified as river,forest,urban and bare land have increased.The increased area of the urban ecosystem is the largest one of them,which is up to 20.30 ha;while the area of the forest ecosystem has increased to 7.29 ha.The areas of wetland,reservoir,farmland and grassland have been reduced,and the area of grassland ecosystem has been reduced the most with a reduction of 28.87 ha.From the changes in the values of the ecosystem services of different ecosystem types,the values of forest ecosystem services have achieved the most growth,reaching up to 92000 yuan yr-1 and the growth of the river and bare land ecosystem service values are not obvious.(3)Over nearly a decade,the soil nutrients and the water quality of rice fields at the heritage site have not obviously changed and the plant diseases and insect pests in the rice fields have not been aggravated.The monitoring indexes are far better than the standard values.With the great support of the local government,the production and living conditions and the living environments of farmers in the villages of the heritage sites have been greatly improved through road reconstruction,water improvement,toilet enhancements and the greening,brightness and beautification of the villages.



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