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Demands and Constraints on Chinese Elderly People Traveling Abroad: Based on a Market Survey of Middle-aged and Elderly People in Beijing



英文题名:Demands and Constraints on Chinese Elderly People Traveling Abroad: Based on a Market Survey of Middle-aged and Elderly People in Beijing

作者:李享[1];Mark Banning-Taylot[2];Phoebe Bai Alexander[2];Cliff Picton[3]









外文期刊名:Tourism Tribune





外文关键词:travel abroad; middle-aged and elderly people; demand; constraints factors

The number of elderly people and their average age is rising at an alarming rate in China. However, forty percent of the urban elderly in China have economic competence, and this means they are also an important prospective tourism market. China has become the world' s largest international tourism consuming country. This paper outlines the demand characteristics of and constraints on travel for elderly people in China. The project team conducted a survey in September, November and December 2012. The sample consisted of people aged 45 years old and above in Beijing. Communities, tourist attractions, universities for the elderly, and shopping areas were randomly selected as sites for the field surveys. 1044 valid questionnaires were obtained in total. The respondents were carefully balanced so that various demographic characteristics all had similar proportions to ensure the representativeness of the sample. The study analyzed consumer demand characteristics and restrictive factors using principal component factor analysis. The results showed that the more a tourist knows about a destination, the more likely it is that they will visit it. In addition, 47.4% of the respondents planned to travel abroad in the coming year (2013- 2014); while this indicator was 63% for middle-aged people and 37% for seniors. For the group of people who have already travelled abroad, this indicator is close to 80%, but for the group of people who have not, the figure is only 21%. Within this pattern, the surveys showed that 56.6% of the respondents chose "leisure and entertainment" as their purpose for joining outbound tours, followed by "go sightseeing" (accounting for 50.2%) and "Relaxation" (39.6%). "Study" accounted for 9.2%, ranking eighth, a score which can be affected by individual experiences of outbound tours, and the age and education levels of the respondents. Respondents who hoped to "study" abroad were most interested in gaining knowledge and skills relating to "food". On a more general level, the study found that 70% of respondents hoped to travel abroad with their families, and over 50% would join a tourist group when travelling abroad. Also, most middle-aged and elderly respondents were willing to choose non-profit and charitable travel agencies. The study found that the positive consumption concept was crucial in determining the demand to travel abroad from the elderly. The consumption concept factor involves two aspects, namely, personal factors and external factors. In addition to the internal factors, the study found that the elderly are more susceptible to security factors than the middle-aged. Psychological security is thus very important for the elderly in traveling abroad. Three safety factors were identified, namely, personal factors, external factors and interpersonal relationships and these were inextricably linked. Therefore, along with the progress of the society, the human face of tourism must reflect more and more respect for the physical and emotional well-being of elderly tourists. Subjective age variables thus seem of interest for research on the senior tourism behavior. The key market segment targeted by this study was the middle-aged and elderly who have had experience of traveling abroad. To influence this market and to broaden their potential customer base, destinations should strengthen publicity through media which the Chinese middle-aged and elderly are familiar with. Adopting a strategy of bonus trips for accompanying companions to enlarge markets may be a relevant policy in this regard. Sourcing products from travel agencies is the most important way for the Chinese middle-aged and elderly to achieve their dreams of traveling aboard. Thus, travel agencies should consider the duration and economic competence of the middle-aged and elderly when designing products, and eliminate the middle-aged and elderly' s concerns over outbound tours by providing them considerate service.



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