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Acute Oral Toxicity Evaluation of Almond Hull Powders in BALB/c Mice  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)  


英文题名:Acute Oral Toxicity Evaluation of Almond Hull Powders in BALB/c Mice

作者:Liu, Juer[1,2,3];Yao, Yuyang[4];Cheng, Yanling[1,2,4];Hua, Wei[4];Zhu, Xinyue[4];Miao, Qiming[4];Huang, Guangwei[5];Mi, Shengquan[4];Ruan, Roger[1,2,3]

第一作者:Liu, Juer

通讯作者:Ruan, RG[1];Ruan, RG[2];Ruan, RG[3];Mi, SQ[4]

机构:[1]Univ Minnesota, Ctr Biorefining, St Paul, MN 55108 USA;[2]Univ Minnesota, Dept Bioprod & Biosyst Engn, St Paul, MI 55108 USA;[3]Univ Minnesota, Dept Food Sci & Nutr, St Paul, MN 55108 USA;[4]Beijing Union Univ, Biochem Engn Coll, Beijing 100023, Peoples R China;[5]Almond Board Calif, Modesto, CA 95354 USA

第一机构:Univ Minnesota, Ctr Biorefining, St Paul, MN 55108 USA

通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Univ Minnesota, Ctr Biorefining, St Paul, MN 55108 USA;[2]corresponding author), Univ Minnesota, Dept Bioprod & Biosyst Engn, St Paul, MI 55108 USA;[3]corresponding author), Univ Minnesota, Dept Food Sci & Nutr, St Paul, MN 55108 USA;[4]corresponding author), Beijing Union Univ, Biochem Engn Coll, Beijing 100023, Peoples R China.|[1141726]北京联合大学生物化学工程学院;[11417]北京联合大学;






基金:No Statement Available


外文关键词:almond hull; acute oral toxicity; safety assessment; BALB/c mice; OECD 423

摘要:Almond hull, a substantial byproduct constituting more than half of almond fresh weight, has garnered recent attention due to its abundance in fiber and bioactive content. Despite this huge interest, data on its toxicity remain scarce. In line with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 423 guidelines, this study conducted an acute oral toxicity test using almond hull powders processed from three major almond varieties of Butte, Monterey, and Nonpareil on BALB/c female mice, administering dosages of 300 mg/kg body weight (bw), 2000 mg/kg bw, and 5000 mg/kg bw, with observations over a 14-day period. The results indicated that almond hull powders were non-toxic, aligning with the Globally Harmonized System's classification. Administering up to 5000 mg/kg bw of all three varieties of almond hull powders (female BALB/c mice) and 10,000 mg/kg bw of Monterey almond hull powders (both female and male mice) induced no adverse effects in terms of mortality, body weight changes, food intake, organ to weight ratio, and clinical biochemistry. Additionally, histopathological examination revealed no organ abnormalities. This study demonstrates the non-toxic nature of almond hull as an edible food ingredient under experimental conditions, encouraging the further exploration of its potential for safe consumption and its health benefits.



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