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Research on Probability with Different Routing Method in Optical Network  ( CPCI-S收录 EI收录)  


英文题名:Research on Probability with Different Routing Method in Optical Network

作者:Zhang, Ning[1];Bao, Hong[2]


通讯作者:Zhang, N[1]

机构:[1]Beijing Union Univ, Inst Informat Technol, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China;[2]Beijing Union Univ, Informat Coll, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China


通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Beijing Union Univ, Inst Informat Technol, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.|[1141734]北京联合大学智慧城市学院;[11417]北京联合大学;

会议论文集:International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication/Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Technology and Ocean Engineering

会议日期:JAN 30-31, 2010

会议地点:Macao, MACAO


外文关键词:routing; probability; algorithm; optical network

摘要:In the optimization of operational networks the most important target is the minimization of congestion. Congestion can be divided into two types, congestion in the case where resources are insufficient to carry all the traffic, and congestion in the case where resources are divided inefficiently so that a part of the network is over-utilized while another part of the network has unused band-width. In this paper, we present a new partial risk-disjoint routing algorithm based on the current complete risk-disjoint routing algorithm. Simulation results show that, compared with complete risk-disjoint routing algorithm, routing connections with partial risk-disjoint routing algorithm can achieve a better improvement. Multi-paths allow for aggregation of flows and provide a scalable solution. Flows are aggregated at ingress router depending on class of service and destination. Flows are processed only on aggregate basis, at core routers. Aggregation is done such that by providing quality to aggregated flow, quality is guaranteed for individual flows within this aggregate.



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