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Using Social Software to Improve Learning Performance of Deaf University Learner  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Using Social Software to Improve Learning Performance of Deaf University Learner

作者:Sheng Lihua[1]; Xu Jiacheng[2]

第一作者:Sheng Lihua

机构:[1] Educ. Technol. Dept., Capital Normal Univ., Beijing, China; [2] Special Educ. Coll., Beijing Union Univ., Beijing, China

第一机构:Educ. Technol. Dept., Capital Normal Univ., Beijing, China

会议日期:16-18 April 2010

会议地点:Chengdu, China


外文关键词:computer aided instruction - handicapped aids

摘要:More and more educators begin to pay attention to social software because of its educational value. In this paper the author use Questionnaire to obtain information about the attitude to social software of 40 deaf learners, what social software they have, what to do they use social software. Then introduced the educational value of social software to deaf university learners, at the end, give some advice on how to use social software to improve learning performance of deaf learners.



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