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Medical Tourism: Literature Review and Research Prospects



英文题名:Medical Tourism: Literature Review and Research Prospects










外文期刊名:Tourism Tribune




外文关键词:medical tourism; literature review; research prospect

With the all-round development of social economy, tourism, far beyond traditional service industry, is upgrading and shifting towards the strategic maintains industry and modern service industry. For the goal of pursuing good health, medical tourism has become the new trend in the tourism development. By way of extracting the essence of relevant studies home and abroad, the paper will manifest that so far there hasnt been an absolute normative scientific definition for the concept of medical tourism, and also point that the exploration for medical tourism has been stepping in the primary period because results of researches in this field have been still controversial.The influential factors on the development of medical tourism include medical expenditure,medical tourism resource, tourist demands, medical marketing, the quality and the moral and ethical issues of medical service and so on. Among these factors, medical expenditure is the significant one in that one of the features of medical tourism is"high quality, low price". As to medical tourism resource,resource endowment is also an important reason. For the aspect of tourist demands, demands of different tourist groups can also play a role in medical tourism development. With respect to the quality of medical service, the condition of local medical infrastructure and the quality of medical tourism can be objectively expressed, so does the responses from tourists home and abroad to the medical service.Moreover, under the background of globalization and informatization, the demands of marketing channel has become diversity and complex because of the development of modern life style as well as medical marketing has made contribute to the development of medical tourism. As for the moral and ethical issues in medical tourism, although lacking of empirical study, it could be found that whether from the aspect of individuals or the society, destination or the place of departure, the problem has drew the attention of scholars all over the world.In terms of research paradigm of medical tourism, the research subject is always chosen to be aplace such as a country or a city, or a certain specific brooch of medical service industry. Both the longitudinal and the cross aspects of medical tourism in overall evaluation will be involved. Concerning the cross aspects of medical tourism, evaluation of medical tourism development is concentrated on economic data and social environment, for the purpose of seeking for the advantage and disadvantage,obstacles and solutions of medical tourism development. For the longitudinal aspects of medical tourism, politic, economic, social, and environmental statistics are all taken into consideration to evaluate medical tourism comprehensively. Medical tourism not only makes efforts to the global communication and interaction, but also boots the development of medical service industry and other industries related to tourism and benefits the whole society.Actually, tourism academic community never close the door on medical tourism, but pay more and more attention to this field. The character of tourism and research subjects of medical tourism decides the future of research of medical tourism which can be foresight and bright.In addition, tourism academic community has made great contributions on the definition,influential factors and evaluation of medical tourism. Although some of them are mature relatively, as to the evaluation, among the literature related to medical tourism, research in influential factors,principles, and rules of medical tourism development is lacking; as to the means and statistics, they are monotonous and without continuity.In a word, under the background of economic globalization, we should follow the demands of national development by exploiting the achievements of multidisciplinary to stimulate the integration research of interdisciplinary and express features and characters of tourism. Considering the deficiency during research, we need to strengthen the study on theoretical issues, foster the analysis of influential factors, principles, rules, and phenomenon of medical tourism development, and intensify the research on policy framework, which are the study directions on medical tourism in future.



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