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Efficient calculation of the robustness measure R for complex networks  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)  


英文题名:Efficient calculation of the robustness measure R for complex networks

作者:Hong, Chen[1];He, Ning[1];Lordan, Oriol[2];Liang, Bo-Yuan[3,4,5];Yin, Nai-Yu[3,4,5]

通讯作者:Lordan, O[1]

机构:[1]Beijing Union Univ, Coll Informat Technol, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China;[2]Univ Politecn Cataluna, BarcelonaTech, Colom 11, Terrassa 08222, Spain;[3]Beihang Univ, Sch Elect & Informat Engn, Beijing 100191, Peoples R China;[4]Beijing Key Lab Network Based Cooperat Air Traff, Beijing 100191, Peoples R China;[5]Beijing Lab Gen Aviat Technol, Beijing 100191, Peoples R China


通讯机构:[1]corresponding author), Univ Politecn Cataluna, BarcelonaTech, Colom 11, Terrassa 08222, Spain.






基金:The authors would like to thank Wenbo Du for useful conversations. This paper is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 91538204, 61425014, 61521091, 61370138, 61572077), National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFB1200100), National Key Technology R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2015BAG15801), and Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation (Nos. 4152017, 4162027).


外文关键词:Network robustness; Robustness measure; Malicious attack; Complex networks

摘要:In a recent work, Schneider et al. (2011) proposed a new measure R for network robustness, where the value of R is calculated within the entire process of malicious node attacks. In this paper, we present an approach to improve the calculation efficiency of R, in which a computationally efficient robustness measure R' is introduced when the fraction of failed nodes reaches to a critical threshold q(c). Simulation results on three different types of network models and three real networks show that these networks all exhibit a computationally efficient robustness measure R'. The relationships between R' and the network size N and the network average degree (k) are also explored. It is found that the value of R' decreases with N while increases with (k). Our results would be useful for improving the calculation efficiency of network robustness measure R for complex networks. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



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