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How does Quality of Work Life Influence Employee Performance?Research on Frontline Employees in the Tourism Industry



英文题名:How does Quality of Work Life Influence Employee Performance?Research on Frontline Employees in the Tourism Industry










外文期刊名:Tourism Tribune





外文关键词:quality of work life; employees' performance; work engagement; goal orientation

As the world economy accelerates the pace of structural adjustment, economic globalization has caused the global industrial structure to shift from manufacturing to services. Thus, the role of the service industry worldwide is growing significantly. In recent years, the service industry has rapidly developed in China, improving its competitiveness, quality, and revenue, thus achieving the standard aims of all businesses.As a concept, quality of work life(the evaluation of employees' psychological and physical feelings at work) is gaining significant recognition. In addition to adequate pay and security, employees also seek respect in their employment. More broadly, quality of work life means the sum of tangible and intangible values during an employee's career. The concept includes all aspects of work including skill discretion, task control, work and time pressure, job insecurity, supervisor and coworker support,and employee satisfaction and motivation. Quality of work life is a key HR definition in the workplace,and an important indicator of harmony among labor relations, a factor that can improve both employee and organization performance.Thus, how do we improve the performance of high- touch employees to increase a business' s competitiveness, while also satisfying frontline employees' demand for quality of work life? In particular, it is important for high- touch employees to understand the internal mechanisms and path dependency influenced by their quality of work life. The purpose of this research is to explore a conceptual model and mechanism where quality of work life impacts on employee performance.We discuss the influence of quality of work life on employee performance and its mechanism regarding task performance and customer-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Using a matched pair sample of 622 frontline employees and their supervisors in the tourism industry, we examine the relationship between quality of work life and employee performance. The results show that quality of work life positively relates to employee performance. Additionally, work engagement partly mediates the relationship, and mastery orientation moderates the relationship between quality of work life and work engagement. A higher level of mastery orientation positively moderates the relationship between quality of work life and employee performance. Such employees have a desire to learn and engage in complex jobs. They also feel they have a high quality of work life, put in greater effort to meet challenges, and enhance their work engagement. In contrast, lower levels of mastery orientation negatively moderate the relationship. These employees feel they experience a low quality of work life,but they present higher levels of work engagement. This likely occurs because employees with lower levels of mastery orientation have no interest in acquiring new knowledge and skills, and they feel a higher quality of work life when they feel that their job is easy and with little stress. They transfer their energy outside of work and express lower engagement to their job. However, when they feel lower quality of work, which entails low task control, high work pressure, and high job insecurity, lower-level mastery-orientation employees will put more effort into their jobs to protect their vested interests. That is, they show higher levels of engagement. To conclude, a number of recommendations are made to improve tourism managerial practices.



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